Category Archives: Ryan’s Ramblings

He rambles… like JUSTICE!

FOLLOWUP: A Good Cuppa

On Episode 67 we answered a question about the proper way to make tea. Funnily enough, a fellow fighter of creationists and affirmed British-person Christopher Hitchens recently wrote about the same beverage confusion for Slate. The article is a quick and engaging read, presenting it’s own opinion about the milk issue, and references Lenon/Yoko as well as the 11 Rules of Good Tea by George Orwell (also worth the read).

Hope this keeps you engaged in the ongoing quest for that perfect cup!


The Accuracy of Cuteness

A few people linked me to the ultimate cute animal list over the holiday, it’s a list of 75 lists of photos of animals, pretty intense but I’ve been working my way through it (Yes, I even treat cute animals like homework). Most of the shots are wonderful but then I got to the list titled “101 Cute Seals That Are Also Babies“. What could be wrong with that, right? Well, dear reader, many of these photos were not of seals at all! (some of them aren’t even babies, but that I’ll let slide)

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REVIEW (via iFanboy): Bone Sharps, Cowboys and Thunder Lizards

*Note* This is a cross post from my weekly column over at iFanboy. While I’m happy to have you read it here on the blog, I encourage you to go leave a comment at iFanboy. In the interest of full disclosure, they watch my stats so it helps me out to have you read and comment there.

Bone Sharps, Cowboys and Thunder Lizards: A Tale of Edward Drinker Cope, Othniel Charles Marsh and the Gilded Age of Paleontology

Artist: Big Time Attic

$22.95 / 165 pages / G. T. Labs

Come one, come all! Step right up to the amazing pictographic tale recounting not just how the west was won, but how the west was dug!

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Winter Solstice Suggestions! -or- A Conversation with a Non-Dutchmen

I take the Winter Solstice gift season very seriously. Maybe more seriously than you’ve ever heard me be if you only know me from the show. The season itself is inconsequential, I am focused with laser precision on finding the right gift for the right person. It has to exist in the small space between what a person really would love to have but would never actually buy for themselves. I’ve noticed that not everyone shares my proclivity, or even my desire, to find that perfect gift, but since it’s safe to assume everyone you know likes Science… sort of (what do you mean you haven’t told them yet?!) here’s a brief list of Black Friday and/or Cyber Monday PaleoPresents. Load a new tab, put on your blackface like a Christmas Dutchman and get shopping.

Continue reading Winter Solstice Suggestions! -or- A Conversation with a Non-Dutchmen


My problem with Centaurs

So here’s my problem with Centaurs, and really Unicorns too but I had to pick just one: They live in the forest. Have you ever seen a horse in the woods? No, you haven’t. Unless you made it go into the woods by riding it around. But you didn’t bump into a herd of wild horses while you were doing that.

Continue reading My problem with Centaurs


Goodreads and Guilt

This probably won’t surprise anyone, but I’m the kind of person who has trouble slowing down. I’m constantly working on something, trying to accomplish a task, achieve a goal, etc. I am the spinner of many plates, and one thing these many modes require is a lot of reading. I’ve always love reading so it’s not a big deal but I used to just crank through books one after another in no time. Now my various literature needs make that impossible. I would love to include some images of my ‘stack’ but it’s a bit too amorphous, spread out and embarrassing. However, you’re not without recourse because I am on goodreads. Yup, you think we cover all our social networking bases on the show? BAH! There is always another!

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All Quiet on the Paleocave Front

Hey Paleoposse,

You’ve probably noticed things have been a bit quiet over here. You’ve also likely noticed it’s fall. These two things are correlated! And one is likely causal. As the school year ramps up things tend to get a bit busier for us. Things need teaching, meetings need attending, and just real life in general happens all over the place. It makes an awful mess. Unfortunately the victim of messy biological life is this very blog. Are we giving up? NEVER! We like the blog, but we need to make sure we’re doing it in a way that doesn’t destroy us AND provides worthwhile content. To that end we’re gonna restructure things a bit around the Paleocave. You’ll still have the same great content from the same great providers, but perhaps with a new schedule, a new look and other features. So sit tight, give us a minute to regroup and we’ll re-attack your mind-grapes with renewed vigor in half a jiff (I know jiff is an actual measure of time, and yes, it’ll take longer than half of one of them).



P.S. Seriously.

Continue reading All Quiet on the Paleocave Front


BREAKING NEWS: Engineer Finds Love

An Engineer has done the seemingly impossible. He’s found a woman who accepts him, engineering and all! Just kidding, folks. It’s Jacob! Resident engineer blogger, awesome helper host and now proud husband. Everyone congratulate Jacob on tying the not to Sarah Simpson. She’s pretty awesome and as much as I roll my eyes whenever anyone else says it at any other wedding, I know these two will be happy. Congrats again, buddy. Now get back to work!


A List of Erroneous Pet Peeves (with Clarification)

Our show is about promoting a literacy of and excitement about all things SCIENCE! Well sometimes in the interest of not dampening the excitement we let some of the literacy fall by the wayside, but that defeats both purposes so here are a few things you should be aware of to avoid an embarrassing mistake in the future. It’s for your own good.

Continue reading A List of Erroneous Pet Peeves (with Clarification)


Call me Commodore Slug: Thoughts on the eve of Graduate School

So here I am getting ready for my first day of school. I took a year off after undergrad but always had the intention of returning and now that plan has come to fruition. Everything thus far is pretty much as expected: lots of meetings and orientations that say roughly the same thing ad infinitum, stacks of journals articles I’m supposed to find time to read, and a million little other things I’m supposed to keep track of. It’s all totally doable and I’m excited for the challenge. But what else is there?

Continue reading Call me Commodore Slug: Thoughts on the eve of Graduate School
