Breakfast Beer

This blog has been very science-based of late but our show is also about something else: beer. This can no longer be neglected. To that end, my pal Jesse and I partook of the Founders Kentucky Bourbon Breakfast Stout. And yes, we had it for breakfast. Below are our reviews of the beer. We used the system established by the website Beer Advocate, of which we are both members. (If you too are a member you can check out our profiles at grovejesse and rjhaupt, respectively.) Hope you dig this slight change of pace!

P.S. Be sure to let us know in the comments if this is something you’d like to see more (or less) of!

Continue reading Breakfast Beer

Oil, it’s whats for dinner

Quick and easy n-alkane recipies for entertaning

Though people like to refer to their cars as gas guzzlers, organisms that eat alkanes more literally do indeed exist.   They are also media whores.

Yes, oil consuming microbes have been in the spotlight quite a bit these recent days as the gulf coast waits not only for the Macondo well to be permanently killed, but for the oil to go away.  Alcanivorax borkumensis is a feisty little guy, the first hydrocarbonoclastic bacterium to be genetically sequenced, and is found worldwide.  Though there are other species of Alcanivorax, A. borkumensis is a favorite in the world of bioremediation because it synthesizes not just one, but several potent enzymes that assist in the degradation of alkanes.  Naturally, they tend to dominate microbial populations in areas with ambient oil/gas seeps and those with high pollution rates. Continue reading Oil, it’s whats for dinner

10 Animals You Probably Didn’t Know About

Well if you are the kind of person that goes around reading articles with titles like “10 Animals You Probably Didn’t Know About” then maybe you already know about these, but most people don’t.

1. Pangolins

You may have actually heard us mention this on Science… sort of, but there were no pictures then, and you might have thought to yourself, I think I know what they were talking about. You didn’t. Here’s a picture. Continue reading 10 Animals You Probably Didn’t Know About

Why Warehouse 13 Deserves Better Special Effects

Happy Tuesday PaleoPosse! I’ve just got a quick one for you this week.

Have you guys been watching the SyFy channels latest hit, Warehouse 13?

If not, you should be.

Don’t get me wrong…it has it’s fair share of ridiculous silliness… silly little quips that pull you out of the story… BUT NONETHELESS!!! The show is mostly awesome, except for ONE thing…

The special effects… *barf*

Continue reading Why Warehouse 13 Deserves Better Special Effects