The days are short, the nights are long, the only solace we can take from the coming cold and darkness is to give each other gifts. If you’re a nerd like us maybe you want those gifts to have a science bent? Well we are here to help you out with that with our annual gift guide for the geek in your life! Each of the Paleopals (in alphabetical order) has contributed something to this list to make your holiday shopping season as easy as can be, so let’s dive right in!
Tag Archives: science… sort of
Winter Solstice Survival Guide 2013

’tis the season to consume! But for this part of the year, as the Winter Solstice approaches, we consume not for ourselves, but for others, and that’s generally a good thing. Each year we here at Science… sort of like to put together a list of suggestions for the science-inclined in your life. Whether you’re looking to give the gift of science, or fleshing out your own list to send to your regionally-appropriate gift giving elf-spirit, this list should have you covered.
We begin with Patrick, who really went above and beyond with contribution, earning him well-deserved top billing.
A Contest of the Flyer Variety
Guess what?! Charlie decided to institute another round of the epic Flyer Contest! Here’s how it works in 5 easy steps…
Per my previous post, I’m not gonna put beer reviews up on the blog for a while. If you’re curious why, click-through the link. If you just wanna read my thoughts concerning an old favorite beer, continue on. As in my last post about beer, I’ll be using the rating system devised by Beer Advocate, where this review was originally posted.
Thoughts on the Reviewing of Beer
As all of you who listen to the show are no doubt aware: I enjoy beer. I enjoy it as a crafted thing in much the same way I would enjoy a pastry or a well-brewed cup of coffee. Without being overly vague, I do not consider beer a means to an end.
Paleoposse member Chris sent in a wonderful poem which Ryan read on air in Episode 76 – Alien Ant Farm, but in the interests of preservation we figured it best if we posted it here as well. Enjoy, and thanks again to Chris!
There once was a science podcast
that I came upon at long last.
They talk about booze
and primordial ooze
and listening to them is a blast!They fill my ears with their words
’bout good movie trailers (and turds)
and naked mole rats
and guano from bats
and how dinosaurs are now birdsZombie hordes they taught me how
to survive quite well for now:
Shoot for the head,
Avoid the undead.
And that gets a PaleoPOW!Paleopals, carry on!
And bandoliers you must don
when zombies come near
stock your whiskey and beer
’cause the breweries will be all gone
REVIEW: The Science of Kissing
The Science of Kissing by Sheril Kirshenbaum
272 pages / $19.99 / Grand Central Publishing
I have been kissing other people for literally years. I knew the basics behind the science; we have big sensitive lips that get engorged with blood when we’re aroused and it fun to press them on other people’s lips (and if that was more than you knew about the subject this book will be all the more enlightening!). I have been doing kissing longer than I’ve been doing science; but now, through a truly heinous turn of events, I spend all day doing science with very little time kissing! To fill this hole I life I read BONK, and it horrified me. Literally too much information. I wanted something with a little more romance and tenderness; and a little less anatomical detail and uncomfortable imagery. So with all due deference to Mrs. Roach from both myself and Mrs. Kirshenbaum, I began The Science of Kissing.
REVIEW – Evolution: The Story of Life on Earth via iFanboy
Sometimes I really love my life. This book was kind of a perfect convergence of the things that make comics and evolution awesome. I hope you dig my thoughts. Feel free to comment here or click-through the link and comment on iFanboy.
Written by Jay Hosler
Illustrated by Kevin Cannon and Zander Cannon
$18.95 / 150 Pages / Black & White
Continue reading REVIEW – Evolution: The Story of Life on Earth via iFanboy
iFanboy REPOST: Weather Powers and Global Climate Change
Figured most people didn’t see this originally but I enjoyed writing it a lot so I wanted to share it again over on the Paleocave. If it seems a bit dumbed down that’s because it’s written for the comic fan who may or may not be a science fan. Enjoy it for what it is!
Here’s a link if you’d like to see what comments happened on iFanboy, apparently it got heated but I wasn’t online to follow up.
SCIENCE: Weather Powers and Global Climate Change
I’ve got climate on the brain. I’ve been studying it and reading up on a lot of the nitty gritty about just how it works. Right now we’re experiencing a period of anthropogenic (mad-made) induced global climate change. (If you’ve not a fan of climate change or just plain don’t understand keep reading but also feel free to e-mail me.) I think it’s fair to assume our favorite superheoric worlds also underwent the Industrial Revolution and outside of the Watchmen, where Dr. Manhattan actually changed the course of technological history, I’d argue that they’re all getting ready to deal with some global warming too. So I got to thinking: Could any of the people with the power to control weather fix the problem?
Continue reading iFanboy REPOST: Weather Powers and Global Climate Change
Brachiolope Stuph
It’s a sale! We’ve lowered the prices on all our swag! So, if you’ve been pining away for some Science… sort of gear but thought it was just out of your price range, go check it out again. The skinny on this sale is that December is solstice time, and in the northern half of the world it’s the cold solstice – the time of the year when you least want to be naked. So get yourself or your loved ones some sweet, sweet brachiolope to help them maintain their core body temperature and support the show a little bit while you are at it. The bonus is that our producer of swag will give us discounts on the production of our gear if we can sell a certain amount of stuff in December. So, if you guys clothe your friends and family enough this month, maybe the prices can stay cheap forever!