Category Archives: Ryan’s Ramblings

He rambles… like JUSTICE!

The Right Time to Talk (about podcasting)


It can be hard to talk to your friends about podcasting. There’s new lingo, you’re really excited by something they don’t understand, and you’re asking them to undertake a new step in their daily ritual that they might not be ready for. With that in mind I’ve put together a quick step-by-step list to help you get that friend or loved one on the road to audio bliss.

And between you and me: This is the week to do it. We’re featured on the main page, making us that much easier to find and enjoy!

Continue reading The Right Time to Talk (about podcasting)


Breakfast Beer

This blog has been very science-based of late but our show is also about something else: beer. This can no longer be neglected. To that end, my pal Jesse and I partook of the Founders Kentucky Bourbon Breakfast Stout. And yes, we had it for breakfast. Below are our reviews of the beer. We used the system established by the website Beer Advocate, of which we are both members. (If you too are a member you can check out our profiles at grovejesse and rjhaupt, respectively.) Hope you dig this slight change of pace!

P.S. Be sure to let us know in the comments if this is something you’d like to see more (or less) of!

Continue reading Breakfast Beer


REVIEW: BB Wolf and the 3 LPs by J. D. Arnold and Richard Koslowski

Does this blog always have to be about science?

Written by J. D. Arnold

Art by Richard Koslowski

$12.95 / 96 pages / Black & White

Top Shelf Comix

I like books with a hidden complexity. There’s a phrase used in entertainment circles called the “elevator pitch” which refers to a very short summary of a proposed project when you’ve only got the length of an elevator ride to get your story sold. Most of the time this reduces a pitch to something along the lines of “World War I but with zombies” or “Casablanca meets Caddyshack.” Well I’ve tried breaking down BB World and the 3 LPs into an elevator pitch myself, cause I like promoting the books I like to others maybe unfamiliar with comics. Even as friends these folks give me about as much time as a producer in the elevator would so I have to really hit the right buttons. I’m happy to say this book is beyond the elevator pitch. Allow me to show you my best attempt: “It’s the 3 little pigs, but set in the 1920’s South and the Big Bad Wolf isn’t the bad guy, sort of, but it’s really about something else, and there are blues.” Not the best selling strategy. So I’m opting for the long con (er, I mean “sell”) and using this platform to write a full on review of the sucker. It deserves it.

Continue reading REVIEW: BB Wolf and the 3 LPs by J. D. Arnold and Richard Koslowski


Science… sort of is going to TAM 8… sort of

I, Ryan, of the podcast Science… sort of hereby declare my intention to go to TAM 8 in Las Vegas this weekend. I’ll be with my dad, Dr. Bruce Haupt, whom you may remember from Episode 17: Lengthening Our Listeners. The meeting will also be attended by several previous guests of the show like Dr. Steve Novella, Brian Dunning and others.

Continue reading Science… sort of is going to TAM 8… sort of


Trying to Post through Word Alone

Apparently Microsoft Word has the ability to publish things directly to your blog. I thought I’d try it out and see if it worked. If you’re reading it, it did work! I gotta say, so far I’m impressed in that it actually seems to be working pretty well. It’s always fun when you find a new bit of technology that you already had access to and didn’t even know it. For some people this seems the bane of their existence; just one more complication on top of their already complicated lives.


Special Edition 1 – Macro Brew Experiment

Brews and Books

So we’re trying something a little different and giving you a short show with a specific purpose, hope you like it and be sure to tell us what you think!

Show Notes:

On the advice of a previous guest of the show and in conjunction with the website Brews and Books ​Charlie and Ryan take to the streets in what is sure to be an informative and hilarious romp through macro brew science! Not to be missed.

Continue reading Special Edition 1 – Macro Brew Experiment


REVIEW: Jurassic Park Redemption #1 from

Hey Paleoposse,

I’m gonna level with ya, this one is a bit of cheat but it’s still worth reading. I wrote a review of the comic Jurassic Park Redemption #1 that went up this morning over at If you want something more directly Science… sort of check out my post from Monday, Another Manic Monday: How the Sausage is Made. Hope you enjoy a bit of comics! It is Wednesday after all…

Continue reading REVIEW: Jurassic Park Redemption #1 from


Another Manic Monday: How the Sausage is Made

If you’ve listened to Episode 41, which just went up, you’ll have heard Jacob make a comment about how much of a shambles our operation is. And he’s right. What you listen to each week is the floating head of the great and terrible Wizard named OZ. But I figure you guys might be curious for a bit of a backstage look behind how Science… sort of gets made.

Continue reading Another Manic Monday: How the Sausage is Made
