Paleoposse member Chris sent in a wonderful poem which Ryan read on air in Episode 76 – Alien Ant Farm, but in the interests of preservation we figured it best if we posted it here as well. Enjoy, and thanks again to Chris!

There once was a science podcast
that I came upon at long last.
They talk about booze
and primordial ooze
and listening to them is a blast!

They fill my ears with their words
’bout good movie trailers (and turds)
and naked mole rats
and guano from bats
and how dinosaurs are now birds

Zombie hordes they taught me how
to survive quite well for now:
Shoot for the head,
Avoid the undead.
And that gets a PaleoPOW!

Paleopals, carry on!
And bandoliers you must don
when zombies come near
stock your whiskey and beer
’cause the breweries will be all gone

WARNING: Politics

This is going to be short and sweet long and boring.

I know you shouldn’t talk about politics or religion with your friends…and you, PaleoPosse, are my friends… but with what’s happening in Wisconsin and some of the crap happening here in Florida, I feel the need to be a little political.  So forgive me if I cross any boundaries, and feel free to critique my opinions.

Continue reading WARNING: Politics

QUIZ: Which evolved first, grass or flowers?

New idea for a post, hopefully it’ll be short, sweet and subversive. It’s kind of a two-parter. Part 1 is a quiz, multiple choice, and Part 2 is the explanation of the quiz. Below is the quiz. Take a moment to complete it, then come back tomorrow to find out why I put you through all this!

Feel free to leave comments that expand upon your answer, but give spoiler warnings for folks who might still want to guess blind.

Continue reading QUIZ: Which evolved first, grass or flowers?

REVIEW: The Science of Kissing

The Science of Kissing by Sheril Kirshenbaum

272 pages / $19.99 / Grand Central Publishing

I have been kissing other people for literally years. I knew the basics behind the science; we have big sensitive lips that get engorged with blood when we’re aroused and it fun to press them on other people’s lips (and if that was more than you knew about the subject this book will be all the more enlightening!). I have been doing kissing longer than I’ve been doing science; but now, through a truly heinous turn of events, I spend all day doing science with very little time kissing! To fill this hole I life I read BONK, and it horrified me. Literally too much information. I wanted something with a little more romance and tenderness; and a little less anatomical detail and uncomfortable imagery. So with all due deference to Mrs. Roach from both myself and Mrs. Kirshenbaum, I began The Science of Kissing.

Continue reading REVIEW: The Science of Kissing

Demo Sunday – A New Tradition

As some of you may be aware, I’m a fan of video games.  As a working adult, I don’t get to play as many as I would really like, and well… games ain’t cheap!

So this weekend I had a glorious idea which will fulfill my need to play a wide variety of games without being a burden on my oh-so-limited free time.

And here it is: Every other Sunday, I will be playing 1 or 2 game DEMOES, and transmitting my experiences directly into the collective brain-matter of the PaleoPosse!

So what are you waiting for? Let’s do this! Today I’ll be reviewing the demo for Epic Games’ new IP, BulletStorm.

Continue reading Demo Sunday – A New Tradition

Sci-fi… sort of (We hope)

A new science-fiction anthology from OR Books is now available for purchase and since we sometimes neglect the less than scientific in our show and blog I wanted to take a moment to highlight it.

It’s called Welcome to the Greenhouse and as the title implies it is a series of stories about the end-game effects of global climate change. I’ve already got my copy on my e-reader and plan on reviewing it as soon as I can but if you need no further prodding from me I suggest getting it right away.

To me the concept sounds like a zombie book if undead hoards were the very climate we rely on. What say you, Paleoposse? Sound like your kinda book? Already feeling scared of the air? Let us know in the comments.

Why do Engineers prefer to think unscientifically? Part 2 of 2

Last week I ended the post by stating my belief that Engineers’ tendency to think unscientifically is caused by 3 distinct factors: Education, Job Functions, and Career Advancement.

Today, I’ll dive into each of those areas in an attempt to support my own (admittedly biased) root-cause analysis.

Oh and while I’m at it, Ayn Rand still sucks, and it turns out she’s a hypocrite.

Oh the irony…

Continue reading Why do Engineers prefer to think unscientifically? Part 2 of 2